Dara Smith

My name is Dara Smith and I am the Master Teacher at ECLC.  This is my 19th year in the Garfield School District and I have had the past experiences of being a pre-k 3, pre-k4, and kindergarten teacher.  My role as Master Teacher is to help ensure that your child is receiving a high quality and developmentally appropriate learning experience.  I accomplish this by visiting classrooms and providing professional development on best practices for educating young learners as well as support for implementing Creative Curriculum and the New Jersey Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards.  I also work collaboratively with the PIRT team and CPIS to help ensure the best learning environment for your child. Finally, I  plan and present workshops and information sessions for parents on a wide range of topics such as supporting learning at home and helping to transition to the next grade.  If at anytime you should have any questions relating to curriculum or ways to support learning at home, please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] or by phone at 973-253-6600 EXT. 6609.