For Parents

Parents and schools need to work together for the betterment of the students. Parents play an important role in providing support and building the confidence of their children. Parents should check some of the tips or activities they can use to develop their children’s confidence and improve their school experience.

The success of our program is based on establishing a partnership between home and school. Open and frequent conversations will help your child have positive early learning experiences. We utilize many tools to keep you active in your child's early childhood education. The following are examples of opportunities for family involvement:

  • Back-to-School Night to learn what your children will be learning in Preschool
  • Newsletters and/or calendars highlighting upcoming events are sent home on a monthly basis and on our website 
  • Bulletin boards located around the school building 
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled mid-year and additional conferences can be scheduled at any time
  • Parents educational workshops are offered throughout the school year
  • We welcome parents to join us at special events and field trips
  • If you have a special interest or talent that can be shared with the staff or children, please let us know
  • Annual surveys are sent home to help us continue to improve and refine our program based on your input
  • We have a Home and School Association which offers opportunities to participate and volunteer time in various school wide events
  • We maintain a Child Advisory Council which is comprised of staff and parents