Room 1-3

Welcome to Room 1-3!

Classroom Teacher: Ms. Feratoski - [email protected]       
AM Assistant: Ms. Archibald - [email protected]
PM Assistant: Ms. Spinella
 - [email protected]

Please scroll down to read any new updates! 


January Newsletter


Simple At-Home Math Activities:

There are a variety of ways to instill the love of math in children and making it meaningful in their daily lives. You can spend some quality time with your child in the comfort of your home and do the following: 

  • Play simple math board games with your child, using counters and dice. This reinforces their counting skills and number recognition. You can also use objects such as buttons or beads to count, sort and put into groups of 2, 3 or 4.
  • Have your child help you sort items/material into corresponding bins when you clean up at home. This reinforces their sorting skills.
  • Provide dotters for your child and encourage them to create and extend simple patterns on a piece of paper. Have Lego blocks available and ask how you can create patterns using Lego blocks.
  • Show your child objects around the house that portray certain shapes. For example, a box is a cube. To extend their understanding and support them in making connections; ask what sizes boxes can be.

Make learning fun at all times!