Welcome to The Garfield Early Childhood Learning Center

A Message From The Principal:

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

It has been a wonderful first week getting to meet so many of you and your children. I am pleased to inform you that we had a successful turn out for Meet and Greet. A total of 152 families were in attendance on September 3rd. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us.

Below are some reminders to ensure the safety of all students, families, and staff:

  • The jungle gym equipment, bikes and outdoor toys will not be available to play with during drop-off and pick-up. We appreciate your assistance in helping us ensure that the outdoor equipment and toys are not utilized during these times.
  • Please be courteous not to block residential driveways or park in the parking lot of the local businesses and factory next door. Each classroom has a designated outdoor line-up area. When waiting for your child’s classroom teacher in the afternoon, make sure to wait in a line near their designated drop-off area. Families are not to stand by the building doors as we need clear pathways to ensure all students get safely to their designated line up spot.
  • Student arrival is at 8:05 AM. Please have your child arrive on time. Tardiness disrupts the whole classroom as well as the individual child’s ability to adjust and learn.
  • Emergency Cards and other important information must be completed on Parent Portal for your child to continue to attend school. If you need assistance with completing Parent Portal, please call the Main Office (973) 253-6600 and we will schedule a time for you to come in so that we can assist you with completing the forms online.

We at The Garfield Public Preschool want the best for your children, just as you do. We can achieve this goal with your involvement because we know that parents and teachers, as equal partners working together, can do great things for children.

I am looking forward to working with you this school year. Please mark your calendars for Back to School Night, which will be held from 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. on September 19th.

  • Please sign up for the ECLC Remind App and follow us on Instagram: @ECLC_07026


Nicole Grillo, Ed.D.


Important Information Regarding Parking On The Street:

When parking on local streets, you are reminded to always be mindful and always obey posted street signs. Do not obstruct driveways, double park, block fire hydrants and/or park in the factory complex on Kipp Avenue in Elmwood Park. We thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this very important parking matter.


We are on Instagram. Please follow us:




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District Anti-Bullying Coordinator

Jessica Piskuloski
500 Palisade Ave
Garfield, NJ 07026
973.340.5010 ext. 2150
[email protected]

School Anti-Bullying Specialist

School Anti-Bullying Specialist
Jennette Morel
241 Ray Street, Garfield
 [email protected]

State School Safety Coordinator
First/Last Name: TBA
Contact Information: [email protected]

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