Click Here To View Newsletter From 1/24/25
A Message From The Principal:
Dear Parent(s) & Guardian(s),
Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed the break with friends and family.
As a reminder, below are some important dates:
- January 8th: Wonderful Wednesday at 1:30 PM
- January 20th: School Closed
- January 22nd: 12:05 PM Dismissal
- January 27th - 31st:The Great Kindness Challenge Week
Nicole Grillo, Ed.D.
Important Information Regarding Parking On The Street:
When parking on local streets, you are reminded to always be mindful and always obey posted street signs. Do not obstruct driveways, double park, block fire hydrants and/or park in the factory complex on Kipp Avenue in Elmwood Park. We thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this very important parking matter.
We are on Instagram. Please follow us: