Mrs. Mains' Newsletter

Welcome to Mrs. Mains’ Class!

Teacher: Mrs. Mains
Assistants: Ms Prchlik and Ms I

The follow are a few important reminders for a successful start to a new school year:


  • Drop-off location will be under the awning near preschool driveway. Look for card with teacher’s name on it.
  • Students will be signed in each morning by the teacher.
  • To encourage independence, students will be encouraged to hang up their own belongings in their cubby. If your child needs assistance, we will work together.
  • Your child will place their folder in the folder tray each morning. We will send folders home only on days when there is something to be sent.
  • Toys from home are not allowed. The classroom is full of developmentally appropriate materials for your child to work and play with.

Picking Up

  • Every person that picks up the child must be on the pick-up list. If we do not recognize the person, we will be asking for photo identification.
  • The teacher will sign out each student.
  • If your child is being picked up early, please aware us of the day and time so we can notify our security desk.

Snacks and Meals

  • For the beginning of the school year, please make sure your child has 2 healthy snacks, water bottle, and lunch everyday. I ask to send in a healthy snack just incase your child does not like what is being served for breakfast or lunch.
  • Candy is not allowed in school.

Rest Time

  • Please send in sheets and a light blanket for your child to use during rest time.
  • Sheets and blankets will be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please return them to school every Monday. Please write child’s name on sheet and blanket tags.
  • Since there is limited space in the classroom, please do not send in pillows or stuffed animals to nap with.

Extra Clothing

  • Please send in a pair of pants, shirts, socks, and underwear. Please make sure extra clothing is appropriate for the season.

* Please make sure all bedding, clothing, jackets, lunch boxes, and book bags are labeled with your child’s name!*

*Please fill out and send in all important notices as soon as possible!*

Every month, a newsletter will be sent home with an overview of what your child is learning and any additional reminders. The month of September will be mostly devoted to building a classroom community and getting to know each other. Please do not hesitate to talk to us with any questions, comments, or concerns you have. We are looking forward to a successful school year!